What do women want

Hello.... Good afternoon,

I would like to think you're having a good day, and sleeping from overfeeding after eating Sunday rice. We used to have these amazing Sunday lunches, & even now I still go visit my Mum after church sometimes, just to eat that fresh chicken stew (my wife and son can relate😉). I also hope you went to church, and if you didn't go....hope you at least said a prayer. God bless you all, and meet you at your point of need.

A couple of days ago, I was talking with a female friend and asked her "do you read my blog"? Her reply? "No,it's too manly". There's nothing there for ladies. Got me thinking....really,how can I know what to write for ladies? What do women want? You ever saw that movie? Mel Gibson finally could hear women's thoughts and he went to the edge of madness.

As a layman, I would look at the profile of the women I happen to interact with and make a few deductions. A fair share of the ladies I know, work for corporate bodies (banks, telecommunications & other such multinationals). These ladies are too concerned with work, suits, targets and life goals that most of them have forgotten to live LIFE. There's never time for a holiday, and for the ones who have been unlucky to focus on the job more...no love life. Ask them one thing they crave the most, and they'd say love. Are they doing enough to encourage a relationship though?...hell if I know.

Then on the other side of the divide, we have the students/ self-graduate. These girls are too concerned with how they look. What kinda hair are you wearing? What kind of phone are you using? What car does your boyfriend drive? These are the Instagram celebrities, with over 500 unread messages from a band of brothers. These are the slay queens who wear hair, more expensive than both parents' monthly salary (put together). The beautiful girls who appear on club pages pouring champagne on ice. Ask them what they want too?...a loving and loyal man, who can also maintain their lifestyle. At their best, they have boutiques or sell human hair, so are independent women...don't talk to me like that😏.

At the end of it all, it "might" be safe to say that most of the women out there want to be loved. My advice, take some time to think about how you're being viewed by a potential love interest. Do you talk about your job all the time? Do you bring your family problems to lunch daily (my younger brother's fees, my parent's rent etc)? Are you the kind of girl who thinks the height of a woman's success is finding the right man to pay your bills? The kind of girl first through the club doors on Friday night? How is it so easy for a girl to say "what are you offering me", when a guy asks for an opportunity to know you better? Ask yourself what you're offering too. Just a pretty face? Culinary skills? Sex? ....sorry to burst your bubble,all those are qualities that make you replaceable.

I'm not sure that's what my friend meant when she said I should write something for the ladies,but at least you can't fault me for trying. It's Sunday evening, and I wonder how the live band play at Metro these days, if you're in town....we can experience it together tonight.

I hope y'all have a great week ahead....live in love. Cheers 🍷


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